Living and surviving in the heart of the megapolises

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Living and surviving in the heart of the megapolises


In 2007, humanity changed in nature: for the first time in its history, half of its population is urban. The city itself has changed scale. While in 1950New York was the only agglomeration of more than ten million inhabitants, the world has more than 30 today.
In fact, the city is an outdated phenomenon, an old story. The twenty-first century is that of megacities and its inhabitants, the "megapolites". Based on perennial growth, megacities dynamics are hungry for space and natural resources, capital and low-cost labor. As a result, the new populations are still kept in extreme precariousness. The area of ​​mega-urbanization is also that of shantytowns.
Who are those who occupy the margins and interstices of the giant cities? Where do they come from? Why did they come? How do they live? Why do they stay? What is their contribution to the ongoing process? What can they expect from a radically polarized world of rich and poor ?
To know better these men and women, to testify of their daily life, is the objective of this documentary.